Calcarea phosphorica also called Calc phos is the second cell salt according to the US numbering. This particular cell salt is important for the bones and teeth especially.
There are several different signs of a Calc phos deficiency including emotional and facial signs.
This list is not all encompassing, but rather is a good start on what to look for and what conditions to keep in mind that calc phos can be beneficial for. There are so many that it is impossible to cover everything, so this is just a general get you started list.
Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos)
Signs of deficiency:
- osteoporosis
- nosebleeds
- teeth coming in late
- heart palpitations
- nose polyps
- headaches in children
- growing pains
- white coating of the tongue
Emotional signs of deficiency:
- desire to travel
- loss of motivation
- mental weakness
- difficulty handling bad news
Facial signs of deficiency:
- waxy appearance
- white spots on teeth and nails
- small lips
- shiny skin
Generally helpful for:
- anemia and malnutrition in pregnancy
- weakness, anorexia and greenish diarrhea in children
- children who are slow to walk
- dark completion, thin, anemic persons
- weak ankles
- spina bifida
- stiff neck
- rickets
- coming off of hormonal birth control
- fatigue
- sore throat
- bad breath
- eczema
- teething
- vitamin d deficiency
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For teeth issues Calc phos is a great remedy and combining it with the other calc remedies; Calc flour and calc sulph can bring even better results than doing calc phos by itself.
It can take months to notice a difference with chronic issues. Remember that it took time for the deficiencies to develop, so it is going to take time for those to reverse as well. Persistence is key.
Where to find Calc Phos
Best Made
I and E Organics
Want to learn more?
Wondering where to start, how to take cell salts, if you can take multiple together and more check out Cell Salts for Improved Health.

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