Calcarea sulphurica also called Calc sulph is the third cell salt going by the US numbering. The calc sulph cell salt is important especially for the blood and joints.
As with all of the other cell salts there are emotional, facial and other body signs to look for as signs of a calc sulph deficiency.
There are way more things that calc sulph can be helpful for than what I could possibly fit here, so keep that in mind as you are reading through the lists.
Calcarea Sulphurica (Calc Sulph)
Signs of deficiency:
- chronic pus
- open infections
- fibroids
- yellow mucus discharges
- boils
Emotional signs of deficiency:
- fatigue
- laziness
- worries about imaginary problems
Facial signs of deficiency:
- cold white tongue
- liver spots
- enlarged pores
- dirty appearance
Generally helpful for:
- abscesses
- inflammation
- acne
- eczema
- yellow discharges
- tonsillitis
- tumors
- ulcers
- bronchitis
- mucous that is yellow and thick
- infection
- burning and itching feet
- colds
- sore throat
- cystitis
- ringworm
- dull hair
- blood poisoning
- blood coagulation
- inflammation of ear cartilage
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Where to find Calc Sulph
Check out my summary post on all 33 of the cell salts if you are wanting to learn more. It goes through what all of the cell salts are, what each of the individual cell salts are most known for, how to take them, brands and more.

I’m curious. I can’t quite seem to find the answer that I’m looking for…
Do cell salts cause any side effects?
My oldest kiddo has blackheads and a couple of pimples that are starting to come up. (Nose and chin) I’m just now starting to make my own face wash and toner for him but I noticed that cell salt 3 can be used for enlarged pores and acne. Would this be safe for him to take?
The potential side effect of cell salts is proving, which is not something I have ever had happen, but that doesn’t mean it never happens.